
Showing posts from March, 2011

iot - Amazon Web Services MQTT -

i working on amazon based web services have send , receive information amazon iot , receive message there. have problem in connecting iot , can 1 me mqtt , iot. try this. may you. credentialsprovider = new cognitocachingcredentialsprovider( getapplicationcontext(), // context cognito_pool_id, // identity pool id my_region // region); region region = region.getregion(my_region); // mqtt client mqttmanager = new awsiotmqttmanager(clientid, customer_specific_endpoint); // set keepalive 10 seconds. recognize disconnects more send // mqtt pings every 10 seconds. mqttmanager.setkeepalive(10); miotandroidclient = new awsiotclient(credentialsprovider); miotandroidclient.setregion(region); try { mqttmanager.connect(clientkeystore, new awsiotmqttclientstatuscallback() { @override public void onstatuschanged(final awsiotmqttclientstatus status,

java - Internal pool and external pool usage -

i develop non-java ee application. here for non-java ee applications, typically use internal connection pools. default, eclipselink sessions use internal connection pools. besides don't configure connection pool in persistence.xml. in org.eclipse.persistence.core.log see following: trace | connection acquired connection pool [read]. trace | reconnecting external connection pool debug | select * test trace | connection released connection pool [read]. please, note reconnecting external connection pool . why external? how explain it? i found out problem. in order make eclipselink use internal pool must set in persistence.xml <property name="eclipselink.connection-pool.force-internal-pool" value="true"/> hope save time.

c# - WPF binding different UserControls in a DataTemplate of TabControl -

as new in wpf , mvvm light, struggling apply mvvm pattern in tabcontrol. give example of trying achieve. tabone xaml , view model <usercontrol x:class="testtabcontrol.tabone" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:testtabcontrol" mc:ignorable="d" d:designheight="300" d:designwidth="300"> <grid> <textblock text="tab 1 ..." fontweight="bold" fontsize="14" horizontalalignment="center" verticalalignment="center" /> </grid> </usercontrol> //tabone viewmodel class tabone : viewmodelbase { public string tabname { { return "tabone"; } } } tabtwo xaml , viewmodel <usercontrol x:class="testtabcontrol.tabtwo" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:testtabcontrol" mc:ignorable="d" d:designheight=&

android - How to stop MediaBrowserServiceCompat? -

my service: public class musicservice extends mediabrowserservicecompat { ... } my activity: public class mediaactivity extends appcompatactivity{ private mediabrowsercompat mmediabrowser; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); mmediabrowser = new mediabrowsercompat(this, new componentname(this, musicservice.class), mconnectioncallback, null); mmediabrowser.connect(); } @override protected void ondestroy() { super.ondestroy(); mmediabrowser.disconnect(); } i want add button close in ui, how stop musicservice? , because continue casting in background

javascript - Animated Double Arrow - CSS -

please read problem carefully. i've passed 2 days, still, can't figure out. if go here you'll see animated double arrow i've searched many times on internet , copied code, it's not working. has there way make similar animated double arrow? also, need animation of site. know animate css , wow js. can't iterate animation. how can implement animation in site? <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>svg animation</title> <style> body{ background-color: green; } .narrative-inner-slide-cta{ position: absolute } .narrative-inner-slide-cta { list-style: none; display: -ms-flexbox; display: -webkit-flex; display: flex } .narrative-inner-slide-cta { -ms-flex-align: center; -webkit-align-items: center; align-items: center } .n

bulkinsert - Is there a way to get a list of IDs after performing a Bulk Insert into AWS RedShift? -

ids of new entries getting generated in redshift during bulk insert , not willing change because source of input data increased in future. i need list of inserted ids while upload has been done admin panel, reason useful reports going show based on imported data. i new in , kind of stuck on here well. help, suggestions, , guidance helpful guys. thanks in advance time , help.

ios - Payment queue does not call observer object about updated transaction? -

in app when user press buy details , sigin uialertviewcontroller , still set there, payment queue not call observer object updated transaction. and not print purchased state means didnt worked. my code written : in .h file #import <uikit/uikit.h> #import <storekit/storekit.h> @interface pbcashviewcontroller : uiviewcontroller<skpaymenttransactionobserver, skproductsrequestdelegate> { } @property(strong,nonatomic) skproduct *product; @property(strong,nonatomic) nsstring *productid; @property (strong, nonatomic) iboutlet uilabel *producttitle; @property (strong, nonatomic) iboutlet uitextview *productdescription; @property (strong, nonatomic) iboutlet uibutton *buybutton; - (ibaction)buy:(id)sender;` in .m file -(void)getpurchaseid { if ([skpaymentqueue canmakepayments]) { skproductsrequest *request = [[skproductsrequest alloc] initwithproductidentifiers:[nsset setwithobject:self.productid]]; request.delegate = self;

python - Save object from template -

im creating music website. in website, add functionality of favorites users add songs favorite lists. i have done don't know how save it. here code: class song(models.model): is_favorite = models.booleanfield(default=false) def __str__(self): return self.song_title def song_detail(request,song_id): song = song.objects.get(pk=song_id) favorite = song.is_favorite = true return render(request, 'song_detail.html', {'favorite':favorite}) song_detail.html <button onclick="{{favorite}}">favourite</button> while playing python shell, found problem: let s created song pk=1, d = song.objects.get(pk=1) d.is_favorite=true y = song.objects.filter(is_favorite=true) print(y) ->s the problem after making song's is_favorite = true, need save it. don't know how implement in code such when user clicks button boolean field changes true. thank you. i solved myself!

centos - Install Apache Cassandra 3.1 on CentoOS 7 -

i'm not familiar linux , need install apache cassandra 3.1 on centos 7. found guide debian. there guide centos? i install following steps in .

php - Eager Loading is not working laravel 5.3 -

i have 3 related models. 1.user model public function users_wishlst(){ return $this->hasmany('app\users_wishlst'); } 2.product model public function users_wishlst(){ return $this->belongsto('app\users_wishlst'); } 3.users_wishlst model public function user(){ return $this->belongsto('app\user'); } public function product(){ return $this->hasmany('app\product'); } in users_wishlsts table have followibg columns id user_id product_id i want product info of users wishlist. have tried public function showwishlist(){ $id= auth::id(); $wishlist = wishlist::with('product')->where(['user_id'=>$id])->get(); return json_encode($wishlist); } but gives me following error sqlstate[42s22]: column not found: 1054 unknown column 'products.users_wishlst_id' in 'where clause' (sql: select * products prod

python 2.7 - Already installed Pygame module, but when try to run pygame code it shows error -

traceback (most recent call last): file "", line 6, in import random, pygame, sys importerror: no module named pygame im no expert experience make sure downloaded right pygame 1. version of python , 2. system+(32/64 bit). make sure in path have c:\python27 , c:\python27\scripts.

php - Display selected option on same page after reload page -

i have select option when select items after click on button page reload on same page. want to selected option after reload page also. here php script <select id="poet_id" class="filter-btn txtentry2"> <option value="">-poet- </option> <?php foreach ($poet_list $poet){ ?> <option selected="selected" value="<?php echo $poet["pi"]; ?>"><?php if($poet["pe"]){ echo $poet["pe"]; } elseif($poet["ph"]){ echo $poet["ph"]; }else{ echo $poet["pu"];} ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> here jquery script $(function() { $("#video_search").click(function() { var poet_id = $("#poet_id").val(); //alert(poet_id); var singer_id = $("#singer_id").val(); //alert(singer_id); if (singer_id == "" && poet_id == "") { //alert('please select sing

javascript - How to changes the jquery code below to more dynamic code? -

i have done sample jquery code below. question how make in dynamic code. html: <div class="row"> <div class="deal-mode col-md-6"> <div class="panel-group" id="accordion"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h4 class="panel-title"> <a id="click-joan" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseone">1. joan</a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapseone" class="panel-collapse collapse in"> <div class="panel-body"> <p>content</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="

node.js - npm prompt user for password behind corporate proxy -

when using npm behind corporate proxy have need have following configurations in .npmrc file in user home directory. proxy = http://<username>:<pass>@<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>/ registry = https-proxy = http://<username>:<pass>@<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>/ while works fine, there need hardcode password in .npmrc file. corporate password change policy mandates change password after period of time. is there way/configuration prompt user password instead of having in .npmrc file. may way works git clone asks password while cloning if repository password protected. you can install sync-prompt module: npm install sync-prompt and modify npm-registry-client/index.js slightly. see article details , code need add:

magento 1.9 - Shopping cart rules need to apply to original price only, excluding all tier price discounts -

is there way or extension exclude tier pricing discounts when shopping cart discounts applied? basically want avoid customer receiving both discounts. i shopping cart discounts apply original price. for example; original rice $35 - 20% = $7.00 discount ($28.00 per unit) multi-buy 2 units changes original price $33.60 $33.60 -20% = $6.72 discount (1 unit @ $26.88 + 1 unit @ $33.60) = $60.48 the main problem face if user selects different flavours. here user receives tier discount 16% , further 20% on each unit. i can't afford loosing money when happens. $29.40 - 20% = $5.88 = $23.52 per unit therefore if shopping cart discount on rides tier discount , applied original price $35 not problem. customer pay $28.00 minimum units , flavours. in conclusion; shopping cart rules need apply original price only, excluding tier price discounts. please suggest me idea.

php - Anybody's helps me how to connect my hosting MySQL database on my local computer -

i want hosting server mysql database connect on local pc because can input data local pc please me how how connect install xampp include apache,mysql,php. start apache , mysql servers , can connection mysql using localhost/phpmyadmin put ulr on browser(chrome, firefox,etc..)

matlab - Undefined function or variable vector -

i'm using matlab , have loaded file contains variables date, ph , pressure_dbar (all vectors). i'm trying write function take in these variables, maximum , minimum pressure_dbar variables , return 2 new vectors: newdate , newph. want populate new vectors date , ph data if date , ph >= minimum , < maximum. below code, getting error "undefined function or variable" on newdate , newph. tried defining them outside of variable newdate = []; , newph = []; unsuccessful. tried different ways of iterating through vector, nothing. tips appreciated, thanks! minimum = min(pressure_dbar); maximum = max(pressure_dbar); function [newdate, newph] = oceanphdepth(date, ph, pressure_dbar, minimum, maximum) = 1:length(date) j = 1:length(ph) if (ge(pressure_dbar, minimum) && lt(pressure_dbar, maximum)) newdate = date(i); newph = ph(j); end end end end the error due inside of loop never being reach

c++ - Longest sub-sequence the elements of which make up a set of increasing integers -

find length of longest continuous sub-sequence of array elements of make set of continuous increasing integers. input file consists of number n (the number of elements in array) followed n integers. example input - 10 1 6 4 5 2 3 8 10 7 7 example output - 6(1 6 4 5 2 3 since make set 1 2 3 4 5 6). able write algorithm satisfies 0<n<5000 in order 100 points algorithm had work 0<=n<=50000 . how this? arrange array elements in descending order, each coupled index-range local maximum (for example, a[0] = 10 maximum array indexes, [0, 10] , while a[3] = 4 local maximum array indexes, [3,3] . traverse list , find longest, continuously descending sequence index-ranges contained in starting range. 10 1 6 4 5 2 3 8 10 7 7 => 10, [ 0,10] 8, [ 1, 7] 7, [ 9,10] 6, [ 1, 6] <-- 5, [ 3, 6] | ranges 4, [ 3, 3] | 3, [ 5, 6] | contained 2, [ 5, 5] | in [1,6] 1, [ 1, 1] <--

c# - Retrieve outstanding invoices with currency conversion complexity in LINQ -

in entity framework application, have entity called invoice.cs , has various properties, here ones we're concerned question: public class invoice : ientity { public int id { get; set; } public decimal amount { get; set; } public datetime date { get; set; } public int orderid { get; set; } public virtual icollection<payment> payments { get; set; } } i attempting query database list of outstanding invoices. outstanding invoice following: if total of payments made against invoice less invoice amount , invoice outstanding . i'm stuck on working out if invoice outstanding or not in linq query, looks this: var outstandinginvoices = inv in _context.invoices !inv.isdeleted && >= startdate && <= enddate select inv; startdate , enddate parameters passed in filter result. another complexity how payments made. payments can made in rmb (chinese currency) or gbp (uk currency), , in report i'm generat

input - Laravel Blade template sanitization -

does blade template (applicable laravel 5.4) input field, example, {!! form::text($name, $value, []) !!} escapes input data? want escape input data malicious tags/code. tag {!! !!} meant not escape data while describes input fields same tag style {!! abcd !!} . hence, question, correct laravel 5.4 blade template format? all form's input data further sanitized using regex inside controller before insertion db. proper practice?

raspberry pi with lighttpd, php7 and magento webshop -

i setup raspberry pi lighttpd, php7 , magento. unfortunately after unpack magento /var/www/html internal server error when open webinterface setup. this steps did far: put raspbian jessie lite on rasberry pi 3 install lighttpd apt install lighttpd -y because php 7 not available in jessie repo new stretch repo: echo "deb stretch main contrib non-free" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-stretch.list apt install php7.0 php7.0-fpm -t stretch rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-stretch.list apt-get update -y next need enable fastcgi , tell lighttpd find php. tee /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/php.conf > /dev/null <<eof fastcgi.server += (".php" => (( "socket" => "/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock" ))) eof lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php /etc/init.d/lighttpd force-reload install mysql , create magento db 1 user apt-get install mysql-server apt-g

php - Connect to another computer's local ms sql server from Mac -

i know there lot questions , answers connecting computer's sql server. but couldn't find right step step.. connect computer (windows 10) pc's sql server 2016 database. i enabled tcp/ip. ipall tcp port 1433 sql server configuration manager. i restarted sql server & sql server browser , set automatic i have database named testdata , table name dbo.users in pc windows10 in windows pc can open ssms 2016 , connect local db windwos authentication. thought have use sql server authentication macbook pro created user login name codeinflash password under `(localdb)\mssqllocaldb\security\logins i not 100 percent sure above step 4 necessary connect macbook pro. now... need advice connect computer's local db sql server macbook pro i have have xampp installed on macbook pro , tested mysql (not mssql) connection through php , worked! post macbook pro's local mysql. followed tutorial swift ios php mysql tutorial i knew tutorial mysql. never done db connec

java - RecyclerView creates margins when scrolling sometimes -

recyclerview creates margin comes out after scrolling , down. doesn't occur items occur same item. edit: margins marked black circles bigger green ones. supposed have same space between each items and here xml code <relativelayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingbottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" android:paddingleft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingright="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" tools:context="com.mangolassi.norman.steller.messageroomactivity"> < android:id="@+id/messagerecyclerview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_above="@+id/linearlayout"

java - 406 fail without any prompt in process of uploading file -

i'd upload file , in same time send property - reviewid. thats why create , java controller: @preauthorize("hasanyauthority('client', 'worker')") @requestmapping(value = "", method =, headers="accept=*/*", produces = {"multipart/form-data", "application/json"}, consumes = {"multipart/form-data", "application/json"}) public void uploadfile(@requestpart("file") list<multipartmodel> files, httpservletrequest httprequest) { principal name = httprequest.getuserprincipal(); if (name.getname() == null) { throw new runtimeexception("brak sesji"); } user userbylogin = userdao.finduserbylogin(name.getname()); file f = null; (multipartmodel file : files) { if (!file.getmultipartfile().isempty()) { review byreviewid = reviewservice.findbyreviewid(file.getreviewid()); try { f = ne

php - How to call while loop from class? -

i have class getinfo.php , script welcome.php. inside info class have function getall. want call "first" variable $this->first , returning 1 value, want "first" in row.please see below //script getinfo.php class getinfo{ function getall(){ global $conn; $sql = $conn->prepare("select * users"); $sql->execute(); while($row = $sql->fetch(pdo::fetch_assoc)){ $this->first = $row['first']; $this->last = $row['last']; $this->email = $row['email']; } } } //script welcome.php <?php $info = new getinfo(); $info->getall(); echo $info->first; //this returning 1 value, want row values. ?> make list of array class getinfo{ function getall(){ global $conn; $sql = $conn->prepare("select * users"

assembly - How external interrupts are recognized in AVR Atmega16? -

i'm working on assembly program turn led on/off each time pressing button(creating external interrupt). can't understand how external interrupts wake device or how impact program counter change current running code , going interrupt service routine. wrote below code , i'm using bootrst=0 , ivsel=0 options in code. guess have missed 2 things , don't know how implement them: 1. setup clock option: falling or rising edge 2. implementation of interrupt service routine(handle_sw1). need wait external interrupt in (start - jmp start) section , check pinb every time see wether it's 0 or 1, or microcontroller handle external interrupts it's own , route them directly handle_sw1 ? ; reserved 2 bytes: jump reset @ beginnning .org 0x00 jmp reset_isr ; configuration: put interrupt 1 vector @ address $002 .org 0x02 jmp handle_sw1 handle_sw1: ; turn on led here, set pd7 output led ldi r16,(1 << pd7) out ddrd,r16 out portd,r16 ; contro

Google Cloud - Connect to postgresql database in same project with python -

tl;dr: how connect postgres db gce instance in same "project" without granting ip access 35.185.* ======== hello, i have simple test script works locally: print "importing" import pandas pd import urllib import json sqlalchemy import * sqlalchemy import create_engine sqlalchemy import table, column, integer, string, metadata, foreignkey print "done importing" conn_string = 'postgresql://' print "connecting" engine = create_engine(conn_string, echo=true) print "engine created" engine.connect() print "engine connected" print "getting data" data=json.loads(urllib.urlopen("").read()) df=pd.dataframe([data]) print "data retrieved" df.to_sql('insert_test',engine, index=false, schema='public', chunksize=500, if_exists='append') now, works because have explicitly gra

html - Bootstrap grid row offset when changing font-size -

i trying make site navigation through bootstrap grid system. want make 3 columns 2 rows layout: |title | |login| |subtitle|menu buttons| | code works correctly, until set font-size title , subtitle. can me? snippet: html: <header> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-4" id="title">foo title</div> <div class="col-xs-6"></div> <div class="col-xs-2">login</div> <div class="col-xs-2" id="subtitle">bar subtitle</div> <div class="col-xs-1">menu 1</div> <div class="col-xs-1">menu 2</div> </div> </div> </header> custom css: #title{ font-size: 2em; } #subtitle { font-size: 1.5em; } you need learn that, different row, ha

hash - Google bot cannot fetch AngularJS site in html5 mode -

my site, using angularjs 1.4.8 in html5 mode , not using hashes in urls not indexed google. when fetch , render sub-pages in google console, renders main page , apparently treats them duplicates. not seem googlebot executes javascript although don't know how can checked on google console. on other hand accepts individual urls pointing subpages can't see. ideas how debug such problems? it seems adding angularjs-viewhead , generating titles each subpage solved problem.

javascript - Is there a knockoutjs computed equivalent in C#? -

i use knockout.js lot , love concept of computed observable. idea computed observable defined function of other observable , takes dependence on observable variable used inside of it. allow interesting scenarios dependent variables update once single observable change impact other computed variables. question : does c# have equivalent using either standard libraries or open source library ? answer : yes, there is. interface inotifypropertychanged doing that, in system.componentmodel namespace. interface contains propertychanged event, trigger when property changed. c# 4 , below example public class datacs4 : inotifypropertychanged { #region inotifypropertychanged members public event propertychangedeventhandler propertychanged; protected virtual void onpropertychanged(string propertyname) { propertychangedeventhandler handler = propertychanged; if (handler !=

javascript - Edit fields in angularjs -

hi beginner in angularjs , trying implement edit of field , trying save data.. the below html:- <div class="row" ng-if="showme=='false'"> <div class="myaddress"> <div class="card-addresses"> <div class="card card-address" ng-repeat="address in addresses" ng-click="selectaddress(address)" ng-class="{active : selectedaddress === address}"> <div class="overlay"> <div class="icon icon-approved"></div> </div> <div class="card-header"> <div class="pull-left"><span>{{address.label}}</span></div> <div class="pull-right"><i class="fa fa-pencil" ng-click="editaddress(address)"></i> <div class="editpopup editpopup-{

javascript - Array sorting in Front-end or Back-end -

i implementing restful api returns array. want know if more efficient sort array in descending order in backend code or in javascript? your api used n clients. performance-wise make sense have each client sorting on own instead of having server n clients. simply, less cpu work server. furthermore, whether result needs sorted or not depends on nature of application using data. let application decide that. however not overthink performance part before have performance problem. data sorting not costly or sorting has been done depending on how information kept internally (in dbms-s, example). edit with 20 rows without sorting, makes no important difference - make api implementing developers' life easier , small sorting on backend side.

javascript - Jquery slider adding slides after page loaded -

i found template kinda works powerpoint browsers, after tried wanted content out of db ajax , have slider content date. the problem slider works divs , adds classes each div see divs slides are, guess divs made after slide code... so when run page looks normal webpage , divs under each other instead of hided should be... when code divs @ home page works fine. this homepage.php : <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <title>biesmans</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="bootstrap/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> <script type=&

migration - Why parse failing after upgrading from Antlr 3 to Antlr 4? -

recently trying upgrade project antlr3 antlr4. after making change in grammar file, seems equations worked no longer working. new antlr4 unable understand whether change broke or not. here original grammar file: grammar equation; options { language=csharp2; output=ast; astlabeltype=commontree; } tokens { variable; constant; expr; parexpr; equation; unaryexpr; function; binaryop; list; } equationset: equation* eof!; equation: variable assign expression -> ^(equation variable expression) ; parexpression : lparen expression rparen -> ^(parexpr expression) ; expression : conditionalexpression -> ^(expr conditionalexpression) ; conditionalexpression : orexpression ; orexpression : andexpression ( or^ andexpression )* ; andexpression : comparisonexpression ( and^ comparisonexpression )*; comparisonexpression: additiveexpression ((eq^ | ne^ | lte^ | g

php - htmlentities to allow <a> links - How? -

in order make inputs safe, i'm using htmlentities in php: $input = $_post['field']; $result = htmlspecialchars($input); this works, realized in inputs, need allow basic markup <b> , <i> , copyright logos , basic stuff user. started doing this: $result = $_post['ftext']; $presanitize = htmlspecialchars($result); $newftext = str_replace(array("&lt;i&gt;", "&lt;b&gt;", "&lt;/i&gt;", "&lt;/b&gt;", "&copy;", "&quot;", "&lt;a&gt;", "&lt;&#47;a&gt;"), array("<i>", "<b>", "</i>", "</b>", "©", '"', "<a>", "</a>"), $presanitize); now come main problem: how allow things <a> , <img> don't have tag , don't know comes inside of it? i can replace , because it's , if replac

xcode - 'openssl/conf.h' file not found error on MacOS Sierra -

i working on c++ project uses boost asio. trying build libraries use asia, getting following error /usr/local/include/boost/asio/ssl/detail/openssl_types.hpp:19:10: fatal error: 'openssl/conf.h' file not found #include <openssl/conf.h> looking of solutions here & here , tried brew install openssl brew link openssl --force xcode-select --install but didn't help. doing following doesn't seem work export c_include_path=/usr/local/include export cplus_include_path=/usr/local/include boost version using boost_1_63_0 . on macos sierra xcode 8.3.1 . have installed boost using homebrew brew install boost as understand other links, xcode looking @ wrong place ssl headers. how can resolve this? i looked /usr/local/include & /opt/local/include . 'openssl/ssl.h' not present in either locations. doing brew install openssl says following warning: openssl keg-only , version linked opt. use `brew install --force` if want install ver