batch file - ICACLS to change permission to a folder and its contents? -

i made piece of code change permission folder , contents (subfolders , files) command icacls

my issue : clicking on properties of folder > security can manually modify access rights of folder. there script or method prevent ?

@echo off title example of using icacls command hackoo 2017 mode con cols=70 lines=10 & color 0e set "folder=%userprofile%\desktop\testhackoo" if not exist "%folder%" md "%folder%" :main cls echo ================================== echo              menu  echo ================================== echo      [1] control total echo      [2] reading echo      [3] writing echo ----------------------------------- echo( set /p "mychoice=please choose 1,2,3 : "  if "%mychoice%" equ "1" (     icacls "%folder%" /grant:r "%username%:(oi)(ci)f">nul 2>&1     icacls "%folder%" /inheritance:r         if "%errorlevel%" equ "0" (             cls & echo( & color 0a             echo "%folder%" have control total !             timeout /t 1 /nobreak>nul              explorer %folder% & exit         ) else (             cls & echo( & color 0             echo command failure !         ) )  if "%mychoice%" equ "2" (     icacls "%folder%" /grant:r "%username%:(oi)(ci)r">nul 2>&1     icacls "%folder%" /inheritance:r         if "%errorlevel%" equ "0" (             cls & echo( & color 0c             echo "%folder%" reading !              timeout /t 1 /nobreak>nul              explorer %folder% & exit         ) else (             cls & echo( & color 0c             echo command failure !         ) )  if "%mychoice%" equ "3" (     icacls "%folder%" /grant:r "%username%:(oi)(ci)w">nul 2>&1     icacls "%folder%" /inheritance:r         if "%errorlevel%" equ "0" (             cls & echo( & color 0c             echo "%folder%" writing !              timeout /t 1 /nobreak>nul              explorer %folder% & exit         ) else (             cls & echo( & color 0c             echo command failure !         ) ) 


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