angular - Add/update/delete products in json file using angular2 with http and observables -
how can add/update/delete products/items in json file using angular2 http , observables. below code, products working fine. please advise others
export class productlistcomponent implements oninit { pagetitle: string = 'product list'; imagewidth: number = 50; imagemargin: number = 2; showimage: boolean = false; listfilter: string; errormessage: string; products: iproduct[]; constructor(private _productservice: productservice) { } toggleimage(): void { this.showimage = !this.showimage; } deleteitem() : void { this._productservice.deleteproduct(); } ngoninit(): void { this._productservice.getproducts() .subscribe(products => this.products = products, error => this.errormessage = <any>error); }
export class productservice { private _producturl = 'api/products/products.json'; private headers = new headers({'content-type': 'application/json'}); constructor(private _http: http) { } getproducts(): observable<iproduct[]> { return this._http.get(this._producturl) .map((response: response) => <iproduct[]> response.json()) .do(data => console.log('all: ' + json.stringify(data))) .catch(this.handleerror); } deleteproduct(): observable<iproduct[]> { let id : number = 1; return this._http.delete(`${this._producturl}/${id}`) .map((res:response) => res.json()) .catch((error:any) => observable.throw(error.json().error || 'server error')); }
<tbody> <tr *ngfor='let product of products | productfilter:listfilter'> <td> <img *ngif='showimage' [src]='product.imageurl' [title]='product.productname | uppercase' [style.width.px]='imagewidth' [style.margin.px]='imagemargin'> </td> <td><a [routerlink]="['/product', product.productid]"> {{product.productname}} </a> </td> <td>{{ product.productcode | lowercase }}</td> <td>{{ product.releasedate }}</td> <td>{{ product.price | currency:'usd':true:'1.2-2' }}</td> <td> <ai-star [rating]='product.starrating' (ratingclicked)='onratingclicked($event)'> </ai-star> </td> <td> <button class="delete"(click)="delete(product); $event.stoppropagation()">x</button> </td> </tr> </tbody>
json file
[ { "productid": 1, "productname": "leaf rake", "productcode": "gdn-0011", "releasedate": "march 19, 2017", "description": "leaf rake 48-inch wooden handle.", "price": 19.95, "starrating": 3.2, "imageurl": "" }, { "productid": 2, "productname": "garden cart", "productcode": "gdn-0023", "releasedate": "march 18, 2017", "description": "15 gallon capacity rolling garden cart", "price": 32.99, "starrating": 4.2, "imageurl": "" }, { "productid": 5, "productname": "hammer", "productcode": "tbx-0048", "releasedate": "may 21, 2017", "description": "curved claw steel hammer", "price": 8.9, "starrating": 4.8, "imageurl": "" }, { "productid": 8, "productname": "saw", "productcode": "tbx-0022", "releasedate": "may 15, 2017", "description": "15-inch steel blade hand saw", "price": 11.55, "starrating": 3.7, "imageurl": "" }, { "productid": 10, "productname": "video game controller", "productcode": "gmg-0042", "releasedate": "october 15, 2017", "description": "standard two-button video game controller", "price": 35.95, "starrating": 4.6, "imageurl": "" }
i replied question in discussion tab course. here answer:
you cannot add, update, or delete rows product.json file using http. works.
to add, update, , delete data http, need back-end server. there in memory back-end server can use try out add, update, , delete without having set back-end server.
for more information , sample code see:
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