Generating combinations with repetetions in python -

i generated combination of numbers, example 123, using code

from itertools import combinations in set(combinations('123',2)):     print(''.join(i)) 

i desired output here

13 12 23 

but when use 133, get

13 33 

but want ignore repetition, want output

13 13 33 

is there alternate approach?

set()s nature, don't allow duplicate elements. each element in a set() must unique. python documentation makes note of this:

python includes data type sets. set unordered collection with no duplicate elements.

emphasis mine. why not getting expected output. when call set(), removes duplicate 13 combinations. instead, iterate through combination object is:

from itertools import combinations  in combinations('133', 2): # no call set()     print(''.join(i)) 

which outputs:

13 13 33 


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