Handling large files with Azure search blob extractor -

receiving errors blob extractor files large current tier, basic. upgrading higher tier, notice max size 256mb.

when have pptx files video , audio, have text i'm interested in, there way index those? blob extractor max file size mean?

can tell extractor take first x mb or chars , stop?

there 2 related limits in blob indexer:

  1. max file size limit hitting. if file size exceeds limit, indexer doesn't attempt download , produces error make sure aware of issue. reason don't take first n bytes because parsing many formats correctly, entire file needed. can mark blobs skipable or configure indexer ignore number of errors if want make forward progress when encountering blobs large.

  2. the max size of extracted text. in case file contains more text that, indexer takes n characters limit , includes warning can aware of issue. content doesn't extracted (such video, @ least today) doesn't contribute limit, of course.

how large pptx need indexed? i'll add contact info in comment.


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