javascript - Mediawiki API which doesn't match title -

if want article, match page query (e.g. if it's "dog"), there's no problem, however, if doesn't match (e.g. "red dog"), see: "red dog or red dog may refer to:" , nothing after sentence. there's no article references. i'm not sure where's problem, or how fix it.

    $.ajax({         url: urls,         data: {             format: "json",             action: "parse",             page: match[1],             prop:"text",             section:0,         },         datatype: 'jsonp',         headers: {             'api-user-agent': 'example/1.1 (;      basedonunisoftdevscipt/1.0'             },             success: function (data) {                 console.log(data)                         var markup = data.parse.text["*"];                 var = $('<div></div>').html(markup);                 i.find('a').each(function() {                      $(this).replacewith($(this).html()); });                     i.find('sup').remove();                     i.find('.mw-ext-cite-error').remove();                     var rplo ='<p>~ chatbot wrote: <q id="writeajaxed"></q></p>';                     $('#context').html(youwrote  + message + '</q></p>' + rplo);                     $('#writeajaxed').html($(i).find('p'));                  }     }); 



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