windows - Can't run Karma tests on TeamCity -

can't run tests karma on teamcity. locally works ok.

os windows


frameworks: ['jasmine'],          browsers: ['chrome'],          reporters: ['coverage', 'progress'],          plugins: [             'karma-chrome-launcher',             'karma-jasmine',             'karma-teamcity-reporter',             'karma-coverage'         ] 

in team city (command line):

npm install karma-cli@1.0.0 karma start ./app/tests/karma.conf.js --reporters teamcity --single-run karma run 


[12:22:32]step 1: run  tests (command line) (3s) [12:22:32]starting: d:\temp\agenttmp\custom_script7407887356682451667.cmd [12:22:32]in directory: d:\p4\c653be47039b7ced [12:22:35]karma-cli@1.0.0 node_modules\karma-cli [12:22:35]└── resolve@1.3.2 (path-parse@1.0.5) [12:22:35]process exited code 0 

no tests running


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