html - PHP passing clicked coordinates of an image to another frame, but not previous values -

$foo_x=0; $foo_y=0;   if (isset($_post['foo_x'])) {  $foo_x=$_post['foo_x']; $foo_y=$_post['foo_y']; echo 'x:'.$_post['foo_x'].' y:'.$_post['foo_y']; }    $column_1 .= ' <form action=""  method="post"> <input  type="image" onclick=parent.main.location="desen_goster_ekran.php?  sc_kod='.$sc_kod.'&name='.$desen_kodu.'&xco='.$_post['foo_x'].'  &yco='.$_post['foo_y'].'"  alt="finding coordinates of image"  src="data:image/png;base64,' .     $bytess . '" alt="digg" width=150  height='.($desen_y*(150/$desen_x)).'      border="0" name="foo"   style="cursor:crosshair;"return false"; /></form><br><br>'; 


i can clicked coordinates of image, can not pass last clicked values frame. in fact passing values previos values (clicked values clicked 1 step earlier).please me. in advance.


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