json - Process a list of map to get a value of a key in the map -
i have list of map (parsed json output of rest request) like
[[mobile:9876543210, name:abcd], [mobile:8765432109, name:efgh], [mobile:7654321098, name:ijkl], [mobile:6543210987, name:mnop]]
original json like
{ "data": [{ "name": "abcd", "mobile": "9876543210" }, { "name": "efgh", "mobile": "8765432109" }, { "name": "ijkl", "mobile": "7654321098" }, { "name": "mnop", "mobile": "6543210987" } ] }
i want mobile value name
tried things not working out.
trying in jmeter jsr223 post processor using groovy.
you should able mobile
based on name
below code fetches mobile 8765432109
when name efgh
op's data. can change value of name right mibile.
//pass jsonstring value below parsetext method def json = new groovy.json.jsonslurper().parsetext(jsonstring) def result = json.data.find { it.name == 'efgh' }.mobile println result
you can try online demo
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