mvc - jQuery Datatables search textbox -
why search textbox not initialize empty? have tried:
and have tried:
"bstatesave": false, // save datatable state(pagination, sort, etc) in cookie.
after use filter, redirect view, create new search, come search results textbox has last string used filter.
i'm using mvc5 framework.
var inittable4 = function () { var table = $('#sample_4'); table.datatable({ "language": { "aria": { "sortascending": ": activate sort column ascending", "sortdescending": ": activate sort column descending" }, "emptytable": "no data available in table", "info": "showing _start_ _end_ of _total_ records", "infoempty": "no records found", "infofiltered": "(filtered1 _max_ total records)", "lengthmenu": "show _menu_", "search": "search:", "zerorecords": "no matching records found", "paginate": { "previous":"prev", "next": "next", "last": "last", "first": "first" } }, "bstatesave": false, // save datatable state(pagination, sort, etc) in cookie. "lengthmenu": [ [6, 15, 20, -1], [6, 15, 20, "all"] // change per page values here ], // set initial value "pagelength": 6, "columndefs": [{ // set default column settings 'orderable': false, 'targets': [0] }, { "searchable": false, "targets": [0] }], "order": [ [1, "asc"] ] // set first column default sort asc }); var tablewrapper = jquery('#sample_4_wrapper'); table.find('.group-checkable').change(function () { var set = jquery(this).attr("data-set"); var checked = jquery(this).is(":checked"); jquery(set).each(function () { if (checked) { $(this).prop("checked", true); } else { $(this).prop("checked", false); } }); }); }
i believe'').draw()
clear out value of search box, still keep existing column searchers may have.
i implemented [x] clear box on search field follows.
$(document).on('input', '.clearable', function () { $(this)[tog(this.value)]('x'); }).on('mousemove', '.x', function (e) { $(this)[tog( this.offsetwidth - 18 < e.clientx - this.getboundingclientrect().left)]('onx'); }).on('click', '.onx', function () { $(this).removeclass('x onx').val('');'').draw(); });
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