javascript - react-rangeslider don't show on bootstrap modal -
i'm trying put slider on bootstrap modal doesn't seems working me: i'm having slider's default values printed on screen. screenshot
the slidebar component nested inside of modal component. modal component:
import react 'react'; import {modal, button} 'react-bootstrap'; import horizontal './horizontal-slider'; import reactdom 'react-dom'; export default class locationmodal extends react.component{ constructor(props){ super(props); this.state={cordinates: props.cordinates, showmodal:props.showmodal} this.togglemodal = this.togglemodal.bind(this); } togglemodal(){ this.setstate({showmodal:! this.state.showmodal}); } getinitialstate() { return { showmodal: false }; } componentwillreceiveprops(nextprops) { this.setstate({ cordinates: nextprops.cordinates, showmodal:nextprops.showmodal }); } render(){ var coorstring =this.state.cordinates[1]+","+this.state.cordinates[0]; var link = ""+ coorstring+ "&size=800x800&zoom=17&markers=color:red%7clabel:c%7c" + coorstring; return( <modal show={this.state.showmodal} onhide={this.togglemodal} bssize="large"> <modal.header closebutton> <modal.title id="modal-header" classname="text-center"> google maps </modal.title> </modal.header> <modal.body> <horizontal /> <img src={link} classname="img-responsive" width="100%"/> </modal.body> <modal.footer> <button onclick={()=>{this.togglemodal()}}>fermer</button> </modal.footer> </modal> ); } }
slider componenet:
import react, { component } 'react' import slider 'react-rangeslider' export default class horizontal extends component { constructor (props, context) { super(props, context) this.state = { value: 0 } } handlechange = (value) => { this.setstate({ value: value }) } handlechangecomplete = (e) => { console.log('change event completed') } render () { const { value } = this.state return ( <div classname='slider'> <slider min={0} max={100} value={value} onchange={this.handlechange} onchangecomplete={this.handlechangecomplete} /> <div classname='value'>{value}</div> </div> ) } }
i had import css file in slider's class.
import 'react-rangeslider/lib/index.css';
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