c# - Format a date so it can be written into Oracle ("Not a valid month" error) -
having trouble finding proper syntax this. here's field on asp side:
<input type="text" id="ei_open_auditstartdt" class="datepicker" runat="server" name="ei_open_auditstartdt" value='<%#eval("audit_start_date") %>' style="width: 100px" />
here's part of code-behind in c#:
htmlinputtext ei_open_auditstartdt = (htmlinputtext)datagrid_open.rows[e.rowindex].findcontrol("ei_open_auditstartdt"); textbox ei_open_transcit = (textbox)datagrid_open.rows[e.rowindex].findcontrol("ei_open_transcit"); string startdt = string.format("{0:dd-mmm-yyyy}", ei_open_auditstartdt.value); string transcit = ei_open_transcit.text; datagrid_rootcauses.editindex = -1; oracleconnection conn = getconnection(); try { using (oraclecommand cmd = new oraclecommand("cst_amr_write_openstatus", conn)) { cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; using (oracledataadapter da = new oracledataadapter(cmd)) { cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("v_startdt", oracletype.datetime).value = startdt; cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("v_transcit", oracletype.varchar).value = transcit;
the problem is, when gets string startdt, still sees value as, say, "03/24/2017" instead of "24-mar-17", i'm getting "not valid month" error.
can see i'm doing wrong?
verify format of data stored in oracle db.
attempt insert data raw string, in format , see if succeeds.
that takes calling code out of possible variables affecting problem.
if still doesn't work, have @ stored procedure , figure out if it's converting formats without knowledge.
if don't have ability see stored procedure, going have try bunch of different formats in calling code until find right one.
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