C# AddIn Excel : export xls file in text file with separator -
it's first addin excel , i've problem export excel's file in text file separator ("|"). export excel's file in same path, extension ".txt" , separate excel's columns specific character ("|").
i've created button on ribbon :
private void exportsave_click(object sender, ribboncontroleventargs e) { int lastcolumns; lastcolumns = usedrange.columns.count; int endcol = lastcolumns; microsoft.office.interop.excel.worksheet xlsheet = globals.vattools.application.activesheet; microsoft.office.interop.excel.range usedrange = xlsheet.usedrange; // save file in .txt in same path string path = system.io.path.getdirectoryname(process.getcurrentprocess().mainmodule.filename); xlsheet.saveas(path, microsoft.office.interop.excel.xlfileformat.xltextwindows); }
i'm not sure of format "xltextwindows".
i identify columns don't know how add specific character between columns before exporting .txt
thanks !
try following code:
public static void exporttopipe(ribboncontroleventargs e) { string exportname = @"d:\pipe.txt"; excel.window window = e.control.context; excel.worksheet sheet = ((excel.worksheet)window.application.activesheet); excel.range last = sheet.cells.specialcells(excel.xlcelltype.xlcelltypelastcell, type.missing); int lastusedrow = last.row; int lastusedcolumn = last.column; string output = ""; (int = 1; <= lastusedrow; i++) { (int j = 1; j <= lastusedcolumn; j++) { if (sheet.cells[i, j].value != null) { output += sheet.cells[i, j].value.tostring(); } output += "|"; } output += environment.newline; } filestream fs = new filestream(exportname, filemode.create, fileaccess.write); streamwriter writer = new streamwriter(fs); writer.write(output); writer.close(); }
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