c++ - Trying to read command line switches with regex -
so trying read input command line in format fileusage.exe [switches] [folder] switches can typed in format long start -. example -c+j#r.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout.imbue(locale("")); vector<char> theswitches; regex switches(r"reg(\-(c|\+|j|#|w|s|x|r|r|s|v|h)$)reg"); if (argc > 1) { // search through command line args , find matching switches if (regex_match(argv[1], switches)) { theswitches.push_back(argv[1]); } else cout << "didnt find switches" << endl; }
with code, able iterate on parameters. have removed $
match end of parameter list.
regex switches(r"reg(\-(c|\+|j|#|w|s|x|r|r|s|v|h))reg"); std::string s = "-c -s"; using reg_itr = std::regex_token_iterator<std::string::iterator>; (reg_itr it{s.begin(), s.end(), switches, {1}}, end{}; != end;) { std::cout << *it++ << "\n"; } // outputs: // c // s
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