php - add to cart button work with price of zero -
i have variable products in woocommerce have 3 skus. each sku has2 options (size , color) , has retail , wholesale pricing set each variation. i'm using plugin set wholesale pricing. link wholesale plugin
based on size, in ounces, of skus have price set 0 retail customers. sample product set skus follows:
500ml - wholesale = $9.95 retail =$19.95 250ml - wholesale $4.75 retail =$9.95 1000ml wholesale = $39.95 retail = $0.00
some skus set 0 (0) retail pricing because 1000ml size not available retail shoppers. when retail customer chooses option of 1000ml message "sorry, product unavailable. please choose different combination." perfect. if wholesale user logged in , chooses 1000ml want show price , allow them place in cart. instead shows item price , cart button disabled. and, message shows "sorry, product unavailable. please choose different combination." see link screenshot example
i found hook show if product purchasable or not, don't know how alter allow purchases. since have several products set in way, doesn't seem make sense me enter product 2 times , hide wholesale product general population. possible want do, or creating 2 products way go?
/** * returns false if product cannot bought. * * @return bool */ public function is_purchasable() { return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_is_purchasable', $this->exists() && ( 'publish' === $this->get_status() || current_user_can( 'edit_post', $this->get_id() ) ) && '' !== $this->get_price(), $this ); }
i found snippet gets user role
function get_user_role() { global $current_user; $user_roles = $current_user->roles; $user_role = array_shift($user_roles); return $user_role; }
so if return user role wholesale_customer work?
function user_filter_addtocart_for_shop_page(){ $user_role = get_user_role(); $role_id = get_role('wholesale_customer'); if($user_role == $role_id){ remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart', 10 ); }
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