selective direction for voronoi diagram in matlab -
how can create voronoi diagram on these squares in matlab, voronoi not enter yellow square? alternatively, lines of enters yellow ones.
it possible put constrains on delaunay triangulation, , add more checks afterwards. maybe can you:
close % generate random rectangels [x,y,w,h] format n = 8; w = 0.15; h = 0.05; rects = [rand(n,2),w*ones(n,1),h*ones(n,1)]; % convert [xmin ymin xmax ymax] format boxes = [rects(:,1:2), rects(:,1:2) + rects(:,3:4)]; % convert 1 single polygon (with missing vertexes) x = boxes(:,[1 3 3 1 1]); y = boxes(:,[2 2 4 4 2]); x(:,end+1) = nan; y(:,end+1) = nan; x = x';x = x(:); y = y';y = y(:); % polygon vertxes without nans xx = x;xx(6:6:end) = []; yy = y;yy(6:6:end) = []; % intersections between rectangles [xi,yi] = polyxpoly(x,y,x,y,'unique'); % remove intersections found inside rectangles in = any(bsxfun(@gt,xi',boxes(:,1)) & bsxfun(@lt,xi',boxes(:,3)) & ... bsxfun(@gt,yi',boxes(:,2)) & bsxfun(@lt,yi',boxes(:,4)),1); xi(in) = []; yi(in) = []; % find vertex pairs of rectangles xeq = bsxfun(@eq,xi,xi'); yeq = bsxfun(@eq,yi,yi'); xyeq = triu(xeq | yeq,1); [idx1,idx2] = find(xyeq); % generate constrains triangulation c = [idx1,idx2]; % triangulate dt = delaunaytriangulation([xi,yi],c); % connections (triangles) list tri = dt.connectivitylist; remidx = false(size(tri,1),1); % check condition remove triangles ii = 1:size(tri,1) % current triangle coordinates xx = xi(tri(ii,[1:3 1])); yy = yi(tri(ii,[1:3 1])); % find if triangle inside rectangle betx = bsxfun(@ge,xx(1:3)',boxes(:,1)) & bsxfun(@le,xx(1:3)',boxes(:,3)); bety = bsxfun(@ge,yy(1:3)',boxes(:,2)) & bsxfun(@le,yy(1:3)',boxes(:,4)); in = betx & bety; if any(all(in,2)) remidx(ii) = true; continue; end % find if triangle crosses rectangle [xxi,yyi] = polyxpoly(xx,yy,x,y,'unique'); notallowedvertex = ~ismember([xxi yyi],[xi,yi],'rows'); if any(notallowedvertex) remidx(ii) = true; continue; end end % remove unwanted triangles tri(remidx,:) = []; % plot figure; hold on plot(x,y,'g','linewidth',2) triplot(tri,xi,yi) plot(xi,yi,'or') axis equal
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