Verilog carry lookahead adder -

`timescale 100ns/1ps  module carrylas_tb;  reg [7:0] a; reg [7:0] b; reg ci;  wire [7:0] sum; wire of; //overflow wire co;  integer i;  carrylas_8 cla(a,b,ci,sum,co,of);       initial begin   a=0; b=0; ci=0;  end   initial begin // possible cases   for(i=0; i<262144; i=i+1) // 2^18   #10 {a, b, ci} = i;   end  endmodule  module carrylas_8(a,b,ci,sum,co,of);  input [7:0] a,b;  input ci; // 0; add 1: subtract  output [7:0] sum; output co; output of;  wire[7:0] c;  wire[7:0] xb;  xor(xb[0],b[0],ci);  xor(xb[1],b[1],ci);  xor(xb[2],b[2],ci);  xor(xb[3],b[3],ci);  xor(xb[4],b[4],ci);  xor(xb[5],b[5],ci);  xor(xb[6],b[6],ci);  xor(xb[7],b[7],ci);  xor(of,c[7],c[6]);  xor(co,c[7],ci);  carryla_8 clas(a,xb,ci,sum,co);   endmodule   module carryla_8(a,b,ci,sum,co);  input [7:0] a,b; input ci;  output [7:0] sum; output co;  wire [7:0] sum; wire cm,co;  carryla_4 cla0(a[3:0],b[3:0],ci,sum[3:0],cm); carryla_4 cla1(a[7:4],b[7:4],cm,sum[7:4],cm);  endmodule   module carryla_4(a,b,ci,sum,co);  input [3:0] a,b;  input ci; // 0; add 1: subtract  output [3:0] sum;  output co;  wire[3:0] g,p,cout; wire g0,p0; wire[9:0] w;  , a0(g[0],a[0],b[0]);  , a1(g[1],a[1],b[1]);  , a2(g[2],a[2],b[2]);  , a3(g[3],a[3],b[3]);    xor x0(p[0],a[0],b[0]); xor x1(p[1],a[1],b[1]); xor x2(p[2],a[2],b[2]); xor x3(p[3],a[3],b[3]);  , and0(w[0],p[0],ci); or or0(cout[0],g[0],w[0]);  , and1(w[1],p[1],p[0],ci); , and2(w[2],p[1],g[0]); or or1(cout[1],g[1],w[2],w[1]);  , and3(w[3],p[2],p[1],p[0],ci); , and4(w[4],p[2],p[1],g[0]); , and5(w[5],p[2],g[1]); or or2(cout[2],g[2],w[5],w[4],w[3]);  , and6(w[6],p[3],p[2],p[1],g[0]); , and7(w[7],p[3],p[2],g[1]); , and8(g[2],a[2],b[2]);  or or3(g0,g[3],w[8],w[7],w[6]);  , and9(p0,p[3],p[2],p[1],p[0]);  , and10(w[9],p0,ci); or or4(cout[3],g0,w[9]);  , and11(co,cout[3],1);  xor xor0(sum[0],p[0],ci); xor xor1(sum[1],p[1],cout[0]); xor xor2(sum[2],p[2],cout[1]); xor xor3(sum[3],p[3],cout[2]);    endmodule 

this verilog code. simulated well, result kinda sucks. 'sum' produces values xs, , 'co', 'of'(overflow detection) xs. couldn't find out problem is. might carry think. me this? appreciated. in advance.

captured waveform attached

enter image description here

enter image description here

you have multiple drivers on wire [8:0] c. in generate have:

or o1 (c[i+1],g[i],q[i]); 

and have fulladder instances drive c:

fulladder a0(a[0],b[0],ci,sum[0],c[0]); 

i can't reason won't simulate, make not function correctly.


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