Verilog carry lookahead adder -
`timescale 100ns/1ps module carrylas_tb; reg [7:0] a; reg [7:0] b; reg ci; wire [7:0] sum; wire of; //overflow wire co; integer i; carrylas_8 cla(a,b,ci,sum,co,of); initial begin a=0; b=0; ci=0; end initial begin // possible cases for(i=0; i<262144; i=i+1) // 2^18 #10 {a, b, ci} = i; end endmodule module carrylas_8(a,b,ci,sum,co,of); input [7:0] a,b; input ci; // 0; add 1: subtract output [7:0] sum; output co; output of; wire[7:0] c; wire[7:0] xb; xor(xb[0],b[0],ci); xor(xb[1],b[1],ci); xor(xb[2],b[2],ci); xor(xb[3],b[3],ci); xor(xb[4],b[4],ci); xor(xb[5],b[5],ci); xor(xb[6],b[6],ci); xor(xb[7],b[7],ci); xor(of,c[7],c[6]); xor(co,c[7],ci); carryla_8 clas(a,xb,ci,sum,co); endmodule module carryla_8(a,b,ci,sum,co); input [7:0] a,b; input ci; output [7:0] sum; output co; wire [7:0] sum; wire cm,co; carryla_4 cla0(a[3:0],b[3:0],ci,sum[3:0],cm); carryla_4 cla1(a[7:4],b[7:4],cm,sum[7:4],cm); endmodule module carryla_4(a,b,ci,sum,co); input [3:0] a,b; input ci; // 0; add 1: subtract output [3:0] sum; output co; wire[3:0] g,p,cout; wire g0,p0; wire[9:0] w; , a0(g[0],a[0],b[0]); , a1(g[1],a[1],b[1]); , a2(g[2],a[2],b[2]); , a3(g[3],a[3],b[3]); xor x0(p[0],a[0],b[0]); xor x1(p[1],a[1],b[1]); xor x2(p[2],a[2],b[2]); xor x3(p[3],a[3],b[3]); , and0(w[0],p[0],ci); or or0(cout[0],g[0],w[0]); , and1(w[1],p[1],p[0],ci); , and2(w[2],p[1],g[0]); or or1(cout[1],g[1],w[2],w[1]); , and3(w[3],p[2],p[1],p[0],ci); , and4(w[4],p[2],p[1],g[0]); , and5(w[5],p[2],g[1]); or or2(cout[2],g[2],w[5],w[4],w[3]); , and6(w[6],p[3],p[2],p[1],g[0]); , and7(w[7],p[3],p[2],g[1]); , and8(g[2],a[2],b[2]); or or3(g0,g[3],w[8],w[7],w[6]); , and9(p0,p[3],p[2],p[1],p[0]); , and10(w[9],p0,ci); or or4(cout[3],g0,w[9]); , and11(co,cout[3],1); xor xor0(sum[0],p[0],ci); xor xor1(sum[1],p[1],cout[0]); xor xor2(sum[2],p[2],cout[1]); xor xor3(sum[3],p[3],cout[2]); endmodule
this verilog code. simulated well, result kinda sucks. 'sum' produces values xs, , 'co', 'of'(overflow detection) xs. couldn't find out problem is. might carry think. me this? appreciated. in advance.
captured waveform attached
you have multiple drivers on wire [8:0] c
. in generate have:
or o1 (c[i+1],g[i],q[i]);
and have fulladder instances drive c:
fulladder a0(a[0],b[0],ci,sum[0],c[0]);
i can't reason won't simulate, make not function correctly.
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