spring security + oauth2 + Reactjs + zuul proxy -

i working oauth2 , spring security , using zuul proxy. have login button in client web app. when user click on request should redirect authentication server authentication. it's not redirecting request authentication server. sharing code, kindly give solution.

1. client web application code

@springbootapplication @enablezuulproxy @enableoauth2sso public class oauthuiapplication {      public static void main(string[] args) {         springapplication.run(oauthuiapplication.class, args);     }      @configuration     protected static class securityconfiguration extends websecurityconfigureradapter {          @override         public void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {             http.logout().and().antmatcher("/**").authorizerequests()                     .antmatchers("/index.html", "/home.html", "/", "/login").permitall()                     .anyrequest().authenticated().and().csrf()                     .csrftokenrepository(csrftokenrepository()).and()                     .addfilterafter(csrfheaderfilter(), csrffilter.class);         }          private filter csrfheaderfilter() {             return new onceperrequestfilter() {                 @override                 protected void dofilterinternal(httpservletrequest request,                         httpservletresponse response, filterchain filterchain)                         throws servletexception, ioexception {                     csrftoken csrf = (csrftoken) request.getattribute(csrftoken.class                             .getname());                     if (csrf != null) {                         cookie cookie = webutils.getcookie(request, "xsrf-token");                         string token = csrf.gettoken();                         if (cookie == null || token != null                                 && !token.equals(cookie.getvalue())) {                             cookie = new cookie("xsrf-token", token);                             cookie.setpath("/");                             response.addcookie(cookie);                         }                     }                     filterchain.dofilter(request, response);                 }             };         }          private csrftokenrepository csrftokenrepository() {             httpsessioncsrftokenrepository repository = new httpsessioncsrftokenrepository();             repository.setheadername("x-csrf-token");             return repository;         }     }      @bean     public simplefilter simplefilter() {         return new simplefilter();     }  } 

2. application.yml file

debug: zuul:   routes:     resource:       path: /resource/**  # proxying resource server 'resource'       url: http://localhost:9000/resource # requests starts /resource/ routed url     user:       path: /user/**  # proxying user end point on authorization server       url: http://localhost:9999/uaa/user # requests starts /user/ routed url security:   user:     password: none   oauth2:     sso:       login-path: /login     client:       accesstokenuri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/oauth/token # token endpoint       userauthorizationuri: http://localhost:9999/uaa/oauth/authorize # authrization end point       clientid: acme # client id       clientsecret: acmesecret # client secret id     resource:       jwt:         keyvalue: |           -----begin public key-----           miibijanbgkqhkig9w0baqefaaocaq8amiibcgkcaqeagnbn+wu3i6karb6gylg40ckbiwmtvepykggvhxow74t19odyo2vrqyy9oaj/cvnlszgtoyaujtecjl8ww7f7njzpxmpfviqbx/zeieoovd7doqk3p5rbtlsv5a8tjtfqyw/th4yemzy/xkxjhh+kmyhmkpo+/tp3egmcmdjgh+lwa6yhdgci4ztlqjyy73gx0pedtpwvmo6g1+mw8x6ctry3awbzyulgt+i82xv+snqerif4uzo6cp2ixpcnmff1k4dqnrz/v98hnslclfmkchenfkyg1cwgd+ocjo+kbucimqmeqbffw908oyfkxl7yw0kekkysxpa4ndu978yxewidaqab           -----end public key----- logging:   level:     org.springframework.security: debug   3.  


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