scala - Monitoring mailbox-size metric of routee actors with kamon-akka 0.6.x -

i using version 0.5.2 of kamon-akka library, without problems, monitor akka actors. upgraded 0.6.3 , noticed statistics not sent.

when looked @ source code of kamon, saw mailbox-size metric not sent routee actors running under router. instead, router metrics such routingtime being sent routee actors. however, i'm using them workers , need monitor mailbox sizes.

here part of kamon source creates routee monitor routermetrics instead of actormetrics contains mailbox-size metric:

package akka.kamon.instrumentation object actormonitor {   ...    def createrouteemonitor(cellinfo: cellinfo): actormonitor = {     def routermetrics = kamon.metrics.entity(routermetrics, cellinfo.entity)      if (cellinfo.istracked)       new trackedroutee(cellinfo.entity, routermetrics)     else actormonitors.contextpropagationonly   }    ... } 

i'm not sure if bug, how can solve problem? there configurations or workaround solutions fix it?

thank in advance.


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