port - Runnig scilab with BackDoor from PHP -

i want run scilab backdoor module php script. (https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/backdoor/0.2)

when run command in terminal

sudo scilab-adv-cli 

result like

opening backdoor backdoor: listening commands on tcp port 27020 

and scilab still runnig, , can connect octave.

but want run api. when run in php script

$result = shell_exec("sudo scilab-adv-cli 2>&1"); 


start  ... (loading things) opening door   backdoor: listening connections on tcp port 27020  killed 

2>&1 in command need showing last line result. (http://php.net/manual/en/function.shell-exec.php#106250)

i dont know why happening. when module backdoor wasn't installed, result "\n\n", not "killed". when run never ending while, process showing in list of command "top" in terminal, until kill it. backdoor module process showing few seconds , ends.

i tried:

  • chown www-data:www-data -r /(path scilab folder backdoor files)
  • chmod 777 -r /(path scilab folder backdoor files)

i tried run never ending while

$result = shell_exec("sudo scilab-adv-cli -e "i = 1; while < 10 disp("i"); end; " 2>&1"); 

but few seconds after scilab start, killed. in last case showed many many times "1.\n\n" , "backdoor: listening connections on tcp port 27020. killed".

i'm developer of module. problem backdoor opens tcp port receiving connections. check php module see if has permission open such port.


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