ionic framework - TypeScript: Return Result of a Promise -

i working on ionic app uses fireface login facebook. followed docs here:

almost @ end of docs can see piece of code fb login (using native fb app if available):

  signinwithfacebook(): firebase.promise<firebaseauthstate> {     if ('cordova')) {       return facebook.login(['email', 'public_profile']).then(res => {         const facebookcredential = firebase.auth.facebookauthprovider.credential(res.authresponse.accesstoken);         return firebase.auth().signinwithcredential(facebookcredential);       });     } else {       ...     }   } 

this kind of screws return type of method signinwithfacebook. method should return result of promise triggered facebook.login(...) - return facebooklogin-promise has different data type. i'm bit confused how can re-model lines return promise created firebase.auth().signinwithcredential(facebookcredential).

do have hints/ideas?

thanks lot in advance!

ok, here solution (or work-around - whatever want call it).

what changed:

  • the method signinwithfacebook return void
  • it takes anonymous function argument gets executed when inner promise resolves

here code:

  signinwithfacebook(success: (firebaseauthstate) => void): void {     if ('cordova')) {       facebook.login(['email', 'public_profile']).then(res =>         {           const facebookcredential = firebase.auth.facebookauthprovider.credential(res.authresponse.accesstoken);           firebase.auth().signinwithcredential(facebookcredential).then( fbas => success(fbas));         }       );     }     else {       this.auth$.login({           provider: authproviders.facebook,           method: authmethods.popup         }).then(res => success(res));     }   } 

and how call method:

this._auth.signinwithfacebook2(res => {...}); 


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