wpf - Not scoping static vars properly in C# -

i'm new c# - first program. i'm trying create public static variables , constants use anywhere in program. - wrong - way have tried declare them in separate class in same namespace out of context main program. it's wpf application. code looks this:

namespace testxyz {     class publicvars     {         public const int buffonelength = 10000;         public static int[] buff1 = new int[buffonelength];          public const int bufftwolength = 2500;         public static int[] buff2 = new int[bufftwolength];          private void fillbuff1()         {             buff1[0] = 8;             buff1[1] = 3;                        //etc         }          private void fillbuff2()         {             buff2[0] = 5;             buff2[1] = 7;                        //etc         }        } } 

second file:

namespace testxyz {     public partial class mainwindow : window     {         public mainwindow()          {             initializecomponent();         }          public static int isincontext = 0;         int jjj = 0, mmm = 0;          private void dosomething()         {             isincontext = 5;    // compiles             if (jjj < buffonelength)    // "the name 'buffonelength' not exist in current context"             {                 mmm = buff2[0]; // "the name 'buff2' not exist in current context"             }         }     } } 

my actual program longer of course. created above wpf application shown test problem , got these errors, occurring in real program. don't want fill arrays in main program long , mean scrolling. want have 1 place can declare public static variables. right way this?

you have either specify class:

// buffonelength publicvars class if (jjj < publicvars.buffonelength)  {   ...   // buff2 publicvars class    mmm = publicvars.buff2[0]; 

or put using static:

// when class not specified, try publicvars class using static testxyz.publicvars;  namespace testxyz {   public partial class mainwindow : window {     ...      // buffonelength - class not specified, publicvars tried       if (jjj < buffonelength) {       mmm = buff2[0];  


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