x3d - Volume rendering with color and light in x3dom -

how colorize volume in x3dom. there few examples out there , can't work.

some code tried (full example on codepen):

<volumedata id='brainvolume' dimensions='192 228 192'>   <imagetextureatlas containerfield='voxels' url="https://i.imgur.com/3ydy8cq.jpg" numberofslices='193' slicesoverx='14' slicesovery='14'></imagetextureatlas>   <shadedvolumestyle lighting='true' shadows='true'>     <material diffusecolor='1.0 0 0' specularcolor='1 0 0' ambientintensity='0.4'/>   </shadedvolumestyle>  </volumedata> 

when add light scene doesn't render (just uncomment line on codepen example). never found example light source added.


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