java - Change the configuration to trigger Email to send out the Automation Test Results -

this issue specific project. posting question details issue, facing. wasn't issue until week ago when email services shut down.

i trying see if somehow new email services can utilized copy test results , send out email expected stake holders.

so here's .bat file configured in git executed through jenkins job. @ last line of code instructions picks paths set , executes command send out email html generated @ end of execution.

    :: locations     @echo on     @set hh=%time:~0,2%     @if "%hh:~0,1%"==" " set hh=0%hh:~1,1%     @set todays_datetime=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%hh%%time:~3,2%     @set test_source_dir=\\cxxxxxxxxa1\cxxxxxplatform\decepticons\decepticons-mocebofms\test-suite     @set test_results_dir=\\cxxxxxxxxa1\cxxxxxplatform\decepticons\decepticons-mocebofms\test-results\regression\demo\chrome\sign_in_%todays_datetime%     @set test_execution_dir=c:\tempdocebo\webalt qed testing      :: configuration , build files used     @set qed_test_config=qrttestconfigmylearningtestchrome.xml     @set ant_build_file=signinscript.xml     ::email sender     @set platformqed_dir=\\\cxxxxxplatform\qed\platformqedutilities     @set emailjar="%test_execution_dir%\lib\emailsender.jar"     @set jarlib="%test_execution_dir%/lib/*"     @set emailclass=com.trgr.quality.emailsender.emailsender     @set testrunname=mocebo-chrome-ui-signin      @set environment=tr_yellow_qa     @set testruntype=summary     @set      :: delete temp test execution location     rmdir /s /q "%test_execution_dir%"      :: make temp location     if not exist "%test_execution_dir%"\ mkdir "%test_execution_dir%"      :: copy regression tests, ant builds, external libraries, , resources locally     xcopy /y "%test_source_dir%"\* "%test_execution_dir%" /s /i      :: overwrite qrttestconfig.xml necessary     copy /y "%test_execution_dir%"\resources\configs\%qed_test_config% "%test_execution_dir%"\resources\configs\qrttestconfig.xml     @echo.     :: execute tests     cd /d "%test_execution_dir%"     call ant -buildfile "%test_execution_dir%"\ant\\"%ant_build_file%"  :: create test results datetime directory results     if not exist "%test_results_dir%"\ mkdir "%test_results_dir%"  :: copy test results , configuration qed nas     xcopy /y "%test_execution_dir%"\test-results\* "%test_results_dir%" /s /i     copy /y "%test_execution_dir%"\resources\configs\qrttestconfig.xml "%test_results_dir%"  :: copy down latest email sender jar     @set email_sender_dir=\\cxxxxxxxxa1\cxxxxxplatform\qed\platformqedutilities\email-sender\latest     copy /y "%email_sender_dir=%\emailsender.jar" "%test_execution_dir%\lib"  :: email results     java -cp %emailjar% %emailclass% %testrunname% %testruntype% %test_results_dir% %recipient% false 

the dns request had no response.

c:\temp>nslookup default server: address:  > mail: server: address:  dns request timed out.     timeout 2 seconds. dns request timed out.     timeout 2 seconds. *** request timed-out 

please suggest mail service can utilized.

was email server shut down permanently , you're looking replacement email service? try gmail.

or looking way send email when email server shut down temporarily? simplest approach have email server running on local machine can queue messages until real email server available.


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