assembly - MIPS: Lower to uppercase -

i need one. i'm trying make function converts lower case upper. example: "hi everyone!" -> "hi everyone!

this have far (i know it's not don't know how move on here, been trying hours)

to_upper:     #pseudocode:     # load byte     # send ascii-function     # check if ascii upper or lower     # store/save somewhere - if upper     # if lower, subtract 20 in hexadecimal  , store other upper     # print      #### code: la $t0, str_str j check_if_upper  check_if_upper: lb $t1, 0($t0) ble $t1, 96, is_upper j is_lower  is_upper:  is_lower:  exit_to_upper: jr $ra 

i hope following code works you. used mars mips simulator.

.data input: .space 20 newline: .asciiz "\n"  .text main:     li $v0, 8     li $a1, 20     la $a0, input     syscall      li $v0, 4     li $t0, 0  loop:     lb $t1, input($t0)     beq $t1, 0, exit     blt $t1, 'a', case     bgt $t1, 'z', case     sub $t1, $t1, 32     sb $t1, input($t0)  case:      addi $t0, $t0, 1     j loop  exit:     li $v0, 4     la $a0, input     syscall      li $v0, 10     syscall 


mips lowercase mips lowercase 


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