vba - Error 440 "Array Index out of Bounds" -

i trying download excel attachment subject keyword.

i managed create code giving error 440 "array index out of bounds".

the code got stuck in part.

if items(i).class = outlook.olobjectclass.olmail 

here code

sub attachment()       dim n1 string     dim en string     en = cstr(environ("userprofile"))     savefolder = en & "\desktop\"     n1 = "mail attachment"      if len(dir(savefolder & n1, vbdirectory)) = 0         mkdir (savefolder & n1)     end if      call test01  end sub  private sub test01()      dim inbox outlook.folder     dim obj object     dim items outlook.items     dim attach object     dim mailitem outlook.mailitem     dim long     dim filter string     dim savefolder string, pathlocation string     dim dateformat string     dim datecreated string     dim strnewfoldername string     dim creation string      const filetype1 string = "xlsx"     const filetype2 string = "xlsm"     const filetype3 string = "xlsb"     const filetype4 string = "xls"      dim env string     env = cstr(environ("userprofile"))     savefolder = env & "\desktop\mentor training\"      set inbox = application.getnamespace("mapi").getdefaultfolder(olfolderinbox)      'if inbox.items.restrict("[unread] = true").count = 0      '   msgbox "no mentor training mail in inbox"      '   exit sub     'end if      filter = "@sql=" & chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:datereceived" & _         chr(34) & " >= '4/2/2017' , " & _         chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:hasattachment" & _         chr(34) & "=1 and" & chr(34) & _         chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:read" & _         chr(34) & "= 0"      set items = inbox.items.restrict(filter)      = 1 items.count         if items(i).class = outlook.olobjectclass.olmail             set obj = items(i)             debug.print obj.subject             each attach in obj.attachments                 if right(lcase(attach.filename), len(filetype1)) = filetype1 'for searching excel files                     dateformat = format(obj.receivedtime(), "dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm")                     attach.saveasfile savefolder & "(" & dateformat & ")" & " " & attach                 end if                 if right(lcase(attach.filename), len(filetype2)) = filetype2 'for searching excel files                     dateformat = format(obj.receivedtime(), "dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm")                     attach.saveasfile savefolder & "(" & dateformat & ")" & " " & attach                 end if                 if right(lcase(attach.filename), len(filetype3)) = filetype3 'for searching excel files                     dateformat = format(obj.receivedtime(), "dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm")                     attach.saveasfile savefolder & "(" & dateformat & ")" & " " & attach                 end if                 if right(lcase(attach.filename), len(filetype4)) = filetype4 'for searching excel files                     dateformat = format(obj.receivedtime(), "dd-mm-yyyy hh-mm")                     attach.saveasfile savefolder & "(" & dateformat & ")" & " " & attach                 end if                 obj.unread = false                 doevents                 obj.save             next          end if     next     msgbox "attachment saved" end sub 

it understanding arrays in vba started @ 0 default. if there 1 item in list located @ items(0). , since statement starts looking @ items(1) throw error. changing to:

for = 0 items.count - 1 

should work believe.


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