javascript - Twitter exclude_replies=true count=5 not returning 5 tweets -

how return specific number of tweets without replies?

i found answer on github not helpful @ all. should make request api in while loop until 5 tweets? really?

thank help.

these params: const params = { lang: 'en', count: 5, // want 5 tweets user_id: 12312312, screen_name: 'somescreenname', tweet_mode: 'extended', // need media exclude_replies: true, // not want replies include_rts: 1, // want retweets user }

in twitter api timeline requests, example user timeline, replies removed after count tweets selected.

using exclude_replies count parameter mean receive up-to count tweets — because count parameter retrieves many tweets before filtering out retweets , replies.

i suggest use larger count (upto 200 allowed) , select first 5 tweets response.


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