node.js - App crashed in nodemon -

i trying run in debug mode using git bash nodejs application. did several times on recent ones doesn't work anymore.

when run command:

npm run startwindows:inspect 

it says:

14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] v1.4.1 14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] restart @ time, enter `rs` 14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] ignoring: c:\xxx\.git/**/* c:\xxx\node_modules/**/* c:\xxx\bower_components/**/* .sass-cache 14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] watching: c:\xxx\server/**/* c:\xxx\config-local/**/* 14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] watching extensions: js,json,yaml 14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] starting `node --inspect --debug-brk energyreports.js` 14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] child pid: 6352 unable open devtools socket: address in use 14 apr 15:10:59 - [nodemon] app crashed - waiting file changes before starting... 14 apr 15:11:03 - [nodemon] watching 37,149 files 14 apr 15:11:03 - [nodemon] watching 37,149 files - might cause high cpu usage. reduce use "--watch". 

what can provide more startwindows:inspect script package.json file , looks this:

"startwindows:inspect":"set node_env=dus&& set node_config_dir=./config-local/&& nodemon -v -w server -w config-local -e js,json,yaml --inspect --debug-brk| bunyan -o short" 

what means using --watch? normal case when testing in debug? cpu % utilization looks fine time.

well says problem is.

unable open devtools socket: address in use 

previous instance of app still running. restart computer or kill related running processes.


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